Questions and Answers

Can small "breakout" groups be used effectively during the Strategic Planning meetings?
There are, in fact, a number of points during the Simplified Strategic Planning meetings at which the use of breakout groups could be beneficial. This is assuming that your team size is large enough to make this a practical approach. While these suggestions are not inclusive, breakout groups could be used to create drafts of the company's Capabilities (Strengths and Weaknesses), Perceived Threats, Industry Scenario and Winner's Profile. Individual groups could also consider and formulate direction to certain Strategic Issues. It is important to note, however, that the success of the planning process is dependent upon building consensus among the management team members. In order to be sure that breakout groups are used effectively it is important to have a skilled process leader who understands how the information flows into the Simplified Strategic Planning Process. In all cases where breakout groups are used to supply input, the entire team must be given the opportunity to fully discuss and challenge the breakout group's findings and suggestions.
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Ann Arbor, MI 48108
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