Why my strategic planning is not working
Complimentary archived webinar from February 18, 2014
Webinar Presenters
Robert Bradford

After working with over 100 companies on strategy development, Robert Bradford and Denise Harrison have distilled the critical areas where companies need to focus in order to enhance the effectiveness of strategic planning.
Robert Bradford, author of Simplified Strategic Planning and several other books on strategy, Robert has conducted well over 1,000 strategic planning meetings in a wide range of industries. Robert’s real-world experience in transforming companies – and industries – makes him an ideal person to translate cutting edge strategic thinking into practical, actionable ideas for your business.
Denise Harrison

Denise Harrison’s hands-on experience gives you a common sense approach to strategic planning that will enhance your company’s success. Her workshops are fast-paced and discerning. She’ll make you laugh at examples of plans gone awry, but leave you with practical ideas for your competitive advantage through effective strategic planning.
Frustrated with your Strategic Planning efforts?
Are you annoyed by a lack of results and lack of focus even after you have finished a strategic planning effort? Many CEOs know the importance of developing a strategic plan, but are frustrated by the lack of results after their strategic plan development.
- Why doesn’t my strategic plan help differentiate my company from the competition?
- What do I do with the laundry lists of strengths and weaknesses?
- How do I assess what opportunities are best for me?
- How can I get the team to prioritize and focus on the areas that will truly impact our future success?
This 45-minute workshop will reveal the steps that are often missing in a company’s strategic planning effort. By attending this workshop you will learn the key factors that will tighten your strategic planning efforts and get your team focused on the high priority items that will position your company for future success.
In this webinar you will learn how to:
- Differentiate your company from your competition
- Sort and prioritize strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats
- Position your company for future success by focusing on the few areas that will have the most impact.
Register to view the archived webinar and receive a free copy of the book, Alignment for Implementation.
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